Must Know Cheats For Google Search

Internet life without google search is becoming impossible now.Here is some of import cheats which tin last used for search for ameliorate effect in addition to filtering. Here about of import

nternet life without google search is becoming impossible similar a shot Must know cheats for Google Search


  • Are y'all searching for a specific document type?

Use “filetype” operator for searching specific files similar doc, pdf etc.

For example:- nasa filetype:pdf

  • Are y'all searching inwards a specific website?

Is whatsoever website search doesn’t laissez passer y'all the perfect result?. Use google search  instead. Use “site” operator for this purpose. This volition laissez passer the results from the specified website.

for example:- Google

  • Want to know right fourth dimension of your city?

use “time” operator alongside your urban inwardness elevate inwards Google search box.

for example:- fourth dimension Delhi

  • You don’t convey a figurer or desire a fast calculator?

You tin utilization google search instead of clculator. It volition create elementary mathematical calculation to advanced scientific calculation for you. It volition create scientific calculations similar sin, cos ,tan etc. in addition to logarithmic calculations inwards whatsoever base of operations similar log, ln etc. Also it tin calculate foursquare rootage of a perfect square( utilization sqrt) , nth rootage of imperfect foursquare in addition to factorial of a number(use !)

examples:- 19+17-(25*6)

sin 90



  • Want to convert 1 unit of measurement to another?

Use your google search for your unit of measurement convertion. It tin convert currencies, scientific units in addition to many more.

for example:- ninety degrees inwards radians

100 rupees inwards dollars

  • Want to know pregnant or spelling of a word?

Use “define” for definitions of a word. Search the discussion y'all desire spelt, Google volition laissez passer y'all the right spelling past times shout out for “Did y'all mean: ”

try:- wallk

  • Want to filter your results using specific words?

When y'all utilization 2 words inwards Google, it volition laissez passer results which contains each of these words in addition to both of them. Do y'all desire exclusively results alongside both words? Use operator “AND” or “+” inwards betwixt them.

try:- vice AND president

If y'all desire results alongside whatsoever of these words, utilization '”OR”.

try:- motorcar OR auto

If y'all desire to search a consummate sentence, utilization quotes.

try it:- “Indian vice president”

Want to omit about words from results, utilization “-”.

try:- auto – car

Want to search similar words, utilization “ ”

try:- car

Want to endeavor a wildcard search, utilization “*”

try:- beautiful *

Want to search betwixt release ranges, utilization “…”

try:-  DVD 200$…520$

Want to search betwixt 2 dates, utilization daterange. Date must last inwards Julian format.

try:-  google daterange:2453006-2453371

  • Try to discovery someone's weep number?

Use “phonebook” alongside name

try:-  phonebook:Anil

  • Want to know introduce weather?

Use “weather”

try:-  weather:Delhi

Like above, at that spot are in addition to thus many primal words similar weather, stocks, link etc. The higher upwards listing contains well-nigh of import tricks only.


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